Happy to hear you are enjoying the blogs.. Gathering at the gate. That's an interesting term. We are gathering to pass the final gate before death. Second breath, rather than Second Spring..Like the breath idea too!.. Thanks for your thoughts. Be interested to hear what other people think!....

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Hi Suzanne long time ... i start reading now your blogs as space was created having the cold lying in bed. Regarding the name Meno is menses right?originating from the latin word Mensis, and mene in Greek which refers to the moon. so our 29 days cycle is stopping, at least in his known show. its our blood / moon time this is pausing as we know it, and it is beautiful to acknowledge that. having more names relating to the second part of our life that other things are effecting, inspring it like the beautiful Chinese expression second spring. in Hebrew i know many, some hard to translate, synonyms like the wise age the wise women the passage beyond the passage it all sounds so coherent in Hebrew and suiting.

regarding the hormones when i study Dr Christian Northrup course women's body women's wisdom she explains that the LH and FSH are after menopause almost the same level as in the ovulation. and how we are in that time of the cycle is usually full of energy life creative loving etc.

As for men not sure yet, i found some husbands are symbiotic as well during pregnancy as well in menopause. i think it has to to if the couple is together for long time, like the showed in research that women with more low oestrogen complains like labido dryness etc are different if she is in a new relationship or none. i also watched the first video and wrote comments but never sent... i m very influenced by Alexandra Pope she has her 3rd book released about menopause and has such a lovely podcast.

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Thank you for your thoughts on the menopause.. I don't like the word because it is focusing on what is ending rather than what is beginning. Yes to acknowledge that is important but yes to have words for what is still to come is also important. Wise age and woman are more what I was thinking. And yes we are with our LH and FSH still present to support our creativity.

And yes interesting to reflect on how women's changes affect their partner. And yes I too like Alexandra Pope's work..

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Enjoying your blogs Suzanne. And yes it’s so fascinating that when we track the hormones through menopause that we find that we really do go back to the Spring time of our youth, before the full bloom or expression of our fertile period.

Gathering at the Gate popped into my mind as a potential new term for menopause as our energies and hormones have been arranged and gathered in a new way to support us as we enter a new phase of nourishment and sustainment for the sake of oneself.

Or even The Second Breath (likened to a pause) as we take in and are revitalised anew, for the second stage of life before taking in and releasing our final breath and passing through the final gateway In this life, death. I see as I write this us swimming within a river and coming up for air around the transitions. Carried strongly along by the flow.

That’s all for now! Big hug x

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